Solid WoOd

 We have a wide selection of solid wood to choose from for the frames of our furniture.

Solid WoOd


We predominantly use Beech, Oak and Ash for the solid wood parts of our furniture.

Solid Ash

This hardwood is relatively easy to work with and takes stain well, but its white to light brown colour with a straight grain is visually appealing on its own.

Solid Oak

With two varieties, red and white, oak is known to be easy to work with and relatively strong. However, furniture makers often opt for white oak over red oak for its attractive figure and moisture-resistance.

Solid Walnut

Walnut is an attractive darker hardwood with rich dark browns to purplish-black in colour. The timber is moderately hard, tough and strong, with a fairly coarse grain, and is easy to work with. It features particularly beautiful grain patterning, and can be polished to an exceptional finish.

Solid Beech

Our beech timber is pale in colour and features a fine texture. This is a versatile and smart material for a range of different projects as beech has good strength and stiffness and is also suitable for stream bending. It takes stains and dyes brilliantly, and has good turning abilities for furniture.

Solid Teak

Teak wood is one of the most highly durable timbers available, and also one of the most expensive. It is perfect for outdoor furniture as it contains natural oils and rubbers which gives it extraordinary resistance to chemical and insect attack, and general exposure outdoors. Teak is incredibly hard celled and as it weathers over time, the wood goes from a honey brown colour to a slivery grey.

Solid Iroko

Our Iroko is a very durable, richly coloured and versatile teak alternative for outdoor furniture. Originating from Tropical Africa, Iroko is light yellow in colour when freshly cut, turning to beautiful golden brown when exposed to light. Used as an alternative to teak it comes with an interlocking grain, a fairly coarse texture, and has a similar strength. It is also has a decay and insect resistant composition.



Using various techniques we are able to create textures on wood to your specification.

An example of sand blasting which accentuates the woods natural grain by removing the softer parts of the wood to create a rustic texture.

Another example of texturing wood is by sand blasting which accentuates the woods natural grain by removing the softer parts of the wood to create a rustic texture.

 Wooden Flooring




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